How the lack of clarity triggers co-worker stress
and kills team effectiveness

Do you ever struggle with team ineffectiveness,
knowing your team could achieve more?

This is, in my experience, not an uncommon challenge for most leaders. And often, the root cause of the problem is a lack of clear communication causing an absence of clarity. I see it all the time.

Your co-workers’ brains require all the pieces of the puzzle to be clear in order for them to perform at their best. We all do!

When your team faces unclear instructions, vague roles, or shifting priorities, their brains perceive this as unsafe ground. This triggers anxiety, doubt, and worry, and their mental and emotional stress causes them to display fear-based behaviours. In other words, they unconsciously try to take control of the situation—going into defence mode—just to create some sense of safety and comfort.

The thing is their stressed state does more than just make them anxious. It lowers team engagement, weakens team effectiveness, and reduces productivity.

In this blog, I’ll talk about how the lack of clarity affects the brain and what you, as a leader, can do to create a work environment that cultivates greater team effectiveness.

What the lack of clarity does to the brain
We’re biologically wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. When things are unclear to us, our brain’s threat detection system, the amygdala, interprets the absence of clarity as potential danger. This triggers the brain’s stress response, putting us in “fight-or-flight” mode.

When we’re in this mode, our brain power becomes impaired, and we start to make fear-based decisions. This reduces our ability to focus, it weakens our productivity, and impacts the quality of our work.

Without clarity, your coworkers’ brains are constantly in a state of “uncertainty alert,” leading to fear-based behaviours such as:

  • Micromanagement or over-controlling behaviours: They try to create a sense of safety by controlling every detail.
  • Withdrawal or disengagement: If they can’t control their environment, they might withdraw or disengage from the process entirely.
  • Conflict or friction: Unclear expectations often lead to misunderstandings and tension between coworkers, damaging teamwork.

The consequences you ask?
When clarity is absent, the stress response that’s triggered in the brain doesn’t just affect individuals — it diminishes your entire team dynamic and here’s what it can lead to:

  1. Impaired collaboration: Stress affects how well you and your coworker communicate, connect and collaborate with one other. When stressed they unconsciously go from a “we to me-”mindset, harming teamwork.
  2. Decision Paralysis: Ambiguity leads to “analysis paralysis,” where employees overthink every decision out of fear of making the wrong move. Slowing down team progress and stalls projects.
  3. Dropping problem-Solving: When under stress, the brain shifts into survival mode, reducing its ability to think creatively. Your team becomes more rigid in their approach and less likely to innovate or come up with fresh solutions.

Clarity is a cornerstone of the psychologically safe work environment
It’s easy to assume that everyone else perceives things the same way as you do — the truth is, they don’t. People rarely do. 

This is – though – where most of us get it wrong.

To overcome this mistake, I recommend a simple mental shift: Always assume that your team understands things differently from you. This mindset will prompt you to ensure clarity more regularly and make sure that everyone in your team is on the same page as you.

Here are some of the ways I encourage my clients to create clarity within their teams. Choose the methods that resonate with you and mould them to fit your leadership style.

Here’s your how tos
Choose the method/tool that resonates the most with you and start using it to help you and your team get clarity and aligned. And of course mould the tool to fit your leadership style!

  1. Brief, debrief:
    Tell your team what you want and expect of them upfront and proactively. Rather than focusing on what you don’t want, be explicit about what you do want. Once you’ve explained a task or project, ask your coworkers to debrief it back to you.

    Why it works: This ensures that their understanding aligns with your expectations. And if there’s a misalignment, you’ll catch it in their debrief, giving you a chance to course-correct early on.

  2. Reinforce the “why” behind tasks:
    The brain responds well when it understands the purpose behind tasks. By consistently explaining the “why” behind decisions, behaviours, or tasks, you remind your team that their work matters. – Boosting their motivation and reducing mental and emotional stress.

    Why it works: When employees understand the bigger picture, they feel more engaged and less anxious about the work they’re doing.

  3. Consistent alignment:
    Facilitate a weekly 15-20 minute meeting where each team member gives a quick status update on their task or project, shares what they’ll focus on for the coming week, and notes any obstacles. During this time, you can also share any updates or changes in direction.

    Why it works: Regular alignment keeps everyone informed while eliminating unclarity and uncertainty. It also provides opportunities for quick adjustments, keeping the team on track ensuring progress.

Final thought: Clarity increases brain power and boosts team effectiveness
The absence of clarity triggers a stress response in the human brain, causing anxiety, procrastination, and team dysfunction. As a leader, it’s your job to create a mentally and emotionally safe work environment rooted in clear communication.

When your coworkers are crystal clear about their roles, responsibilities and tasks, their brains work more efficiently, and you’ll notice an increase in team engagement, collaboration, and productivity.

Part of leadership effectiveness is cultivating clarity — and when you do, your team’s stress will diminish, making space for productivity to soar.


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