I help leaders upgrade their leadership to better
understand, connect with, influence and  lead
themselves and their co-workers.

Hi, I'm Fabiola

I'm a catalyst for change

Growth and transformation are at the core of who I am.

I'm passionate about change!

My purpose is to help leaders upgrade their leadership to better understand, connect with, influence, and lead themselves and their teams

My foundation

My experience in facilitating growth and transformation is built on a theoretical and practical foundation spanning almost three decades.

I've studied a wide range of topics, including neuroscience, psychology, body language, leadership, philosophy, and ancient teachings.

In addition, my practical experience comes from eight years of facilitating 1:1 leadership and team coaching, as well as leading leadership workshops.

I walk my talk

What makes me genuinely good at facilitating change and transformation is that I’ve undergone my own comprehensive introspective journey, which began almost three decades ago.

When it comes to change and transformation, I know what it’s all about. I know what it takes to succeed, how excruciating transformation can feel, and how to help you when you get stuck.

I know how to get people from A to Z!

My approach to facilitating lasting behavioural change is deeply rooted in an understanding of the human brain. Every tool and method I recommend to my clients, I’ve practised myself!

Educational Background:

· Graduate Diploma l Business Administration, Organisation and Strategic Leadership.
· Graduate Diploma l Business Administration, Marketing Management.
· NLP Body Language, Master Coach, (started.)
· NLP Body Language, Practitioner.
· ICF-certified Executive coach.
· ICF-certified coach.
· Enneagram Business, Master Coach.
· Enneagram Business Practitioner.

Licenses & certifications:
· Aon, Scales Ability Tests.
· Aon, Shapes Personality Profiles
· Integrative Enneagram Solutions. Accredited Practitioner
· MUCT, Mercuri Urval Cognitive Tests.
· MUPI, Mercuri Urval Personality Inventory. · NEO-PI-3.
· PAPI 3, Personality and Preference Inventory.
· The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team™,
The Five Behaviors®: A Wiley Brand.

· Neuroscience (studying the work of various British and American NeuroScientists)
· Trauma (studying the work of Dr. Gabor Maté, e.g. Compassionate Inquiry)



Slow is smooth, and
smooth is fast.

We aim to transform decision-making into a thoughtful process, prioritising responsive action over hasty reactions to minimise unwarranted impact on ourselves and others. We encourage our clients to adopt the same practice into their leadership.

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Every decision has consequences, and no consequence exists in a vacuum. We aspire to consider the impact of our actions, aware that what we do as individuals affects others, creating ripple effects in the organisation and the broader community. We challenge clients to awaken to this reality.

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Challenger mindset

Repeating today what you did yesterday won’t ensure your future success. We like to challenge the norm to foster creative thinking and conscious decision-making. We inspire our clients to step out of their comfort zones to find new and better solutions, leading to more sustainable success.

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Catalytic Change

We drive lasting transformation from within the leadership teams. We nudge our clients to challenge their existing cultural belief systems and behavioural patterns to grow, evolve, and be catalysts for significant change in their organisations.

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We strive to do the right thing, upholding our commitment to honesty, transparency, and ethical behaviour, even when it’s challenging or no one is watching. We urge our clients to create success that’s not just measured by short-term financial gains but also by the well-being of people.